Personal information


Kozhubaev Yu.N. in 2006 he graduated from the St. Petersburg State Mining Institute. Plekhanov (Technical University) with a degree in Electric Drive and Automation of Industrial Installations and Technological Complexes. In 2016 he defended his Ph.D. thesis at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. The degree of candidate of technical sciences was awarded in 2017 after graduating from the graduate school of the named university. In 2018, he received a second higher education in Linguistics (English, French) at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. In 2022, he completed professional retraining under the program "Mathematical Modeling and Information Technology" at the ANO DPO "Institute of Contemporary Education".

Kozhubaev Yu.N. has significant practical experience in engineering and technical (leading mining engineer, underground mechanic), managerial positions (head of industrial safety service, deputy chief engineer, deputy director) of industrial enterprises, coal mines, crushed stone quarries, construction organizations metro, state civil service as a state inspector of the Mining Safety Supervision Department of the North-Western Department of Rostekhnadzor. The total work experience in the industry is 16 years.

The results of research works are used at industrial enterprises. Associate Professor since 2018. Kozhubaev Yu.N. has more than 10 published scientific articles, two patents of the Russian Federation for utility models, a certificate of the Russian Federation on state registration of a computer program.


Employment (1)

Department of Information Systems and Computer Technologies, St. Petersburg Mining University: Saint-Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg, RU

(Department of Information Systems and Computer Technologies)
Source: Self-asserted source
Юрий Кожубаев