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western philosophy


department of philosophy, yasouj university


Employment (1)

Yasouj University: Yasuj, IR

Source: Self-asserted source
ali hoseini

Education and qualifications (3)

University of Isfahan: Isfahan, IR

Bsc (philosophy)
Source: Self-asserted source
ali hoseini

University of Isfahan: Isfahan, IR

M.Sc. (west philosophy)
Source: Self-asserted source
ali hoseini

University of Isfahan: Isfahan, IR

PhD (west philosophy)
Source: Self-asserted source
ali hoseini

Works (22)

A Comparative Study of Just War in the Thoughts of St. Augustine, Michael Walzer, and Contemporary Shiite Jurists

Journal of Social Theories of Muslim Thinkers (JSTMT)
2023 | Journal article
Contributors: ali hoseini
Source: Self-asserted source
ali hoseini

Explaining the Reasons and Philosophy of Contrasts and Conflicts in the Universe from Master Motahhari’s Viewpoint

Nasim e kherad
2023 | Journal article
Contributors: ali hoseini
Source: Self-asserted source
ali hoseini

From the truth-seeking dialectic to the truth-falsifying discourse in the framework of Western thought

Research paper on culture and religious knowledge
2023 | Journal article
Contributors: ali hoseini
Source: Self-asserted source
ali hoseini

Plato‘s Utopia Without Poe‘s and Rorty‘s Utopia Without Philosopher‘s

Societ Culture and media
2023 | Journal article
Contributors: ali hoseini
Source: Self-asserted source
ali hoseini

Reason within the Bounds of Bare Religion; According to Abū Ḥāmid Muḥammad Al-Ghazali

Journal of Philosophical Investigations
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: ali hoseini
Source: Self-asserted source
ali hoseini

The main sources of the origin of the traditional pledge in the history of Western thought

Research paper on culture and religious education
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: ali hoseini
Source: Self-asserted source
ali hoseini

The main sources of the origin of the traditional pledge in the history of Western thought

Research paper on culture and religious education
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: ali hoseini
Source: Self-asserted source
ali hoseini

A comparative study of God-centeredness in Islamic and medieval philosophy with an emphasis on Avicenna's and Thomas Aquinas' opinions

Research paper on culture and religious education
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: ali hoseini
Source: Self-asserted source
ali hoseini

The effect of assumptions on understanding from Gadamer's point of view and its role in everyday human life

society, Culture and Media Quarterly
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: ali hoseini
Source: Self-asserted source
ali hoseini

Violence as a socio-cultural phenomenon in the philosophy of Richard Rorty

Research paper on culture and religious education
2021 | Journal issue or edition
Contributors: ali hoseini
Source: Self-asserted source
ali hoseini

Conceptualization in the context of rationality in order to achieve peaceful coexistence

Societ Culture and media
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: ali hoseini
Source: Self-asserted source
ali hoseini

The impact of presuppositions on understanding from Gadamer's point of view and its role in human daily life

society, Culture and Media Quarterly
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: ali hoseini
Source: Self-asserted source
ali hoseini

Hermeneutical Phenomenology as a Method in Philosophy of Martin Heidegger

Journal of Existence and Knowledge
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: ali hoseini
Source: Self-asserted source
ali hoseini

A Criticism of the Theory of Fakhr Razi on the Quiddity of the Necessary Existence

2018 | Journal article
Contributors: ali hoseini
Source: Self-asserted source
ali hoseini

rationality and emphasis on language in the Habermas and Rorty's philosophical system

The Journal of Contemporary Sociological Research
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: ali hoseini
Source: Self-asserted source
ali hoseini

An analytical-critical approach to Ibn Sina's views on the power of illusion
2017 | Journal article
Contributors: ali hoseini
Source: Self-asserted source
ali hoseini

An Investigation of Rorty’s Rationality toward Achieving Peaceful Coexistence

Societ Culture and media
2017 | Journal article
Contributors: ali hoseini
Source: Self-asserted source
ali hoseini

Explanation on Evolutionary Guardianship on the Supreme-Human (The Perfect or the Exalted Man) In Epistemology Geometry of Islamic Mysticism (With a Focus on Thoughts (Ideas) Of Imam Khomeini)
2017 | Journal article
Contributors: ali hoseini
Source: Self-asserted source
ali hoseini

Islamic identity, culture and lifestyle in the age of globalization

Studies of Iranian Islamic development model
2017 | Journal article
Contributors: ali hoseini
Source: Self-asserted source
ali hoseini

Modernity and secularism discourse in Iran

2017 | Journal article
Contributors: ali hoseini
Source: Self-asserted source
ali hoseini

The Second Sex in the philosophy of Schopenhauer and critical view of Islam

Quarterly Journal of Woman and Society
2017 | Journal article
Contributors: ali hoseini
Source: Self-asserted source
ali hoseini

Layer effects of the Islamic Revolution of Iran on the political awakening the Shiite community in Lebanon

The Journal of Islamic awakening studies
2014 | Journal article
Contributors: ali hoseini
Source: Self-asserted source
ali hoseini