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Radostina Neykova graduated from the National Academy for Theater and Film Arts “Kr. Sarafov” with an MFA in Film Studies and Animation Directing.
She is Professor, PhD in the National Academy of Theater and Film Arts “Kr. Sarafov”. Radostina Neykova teaching “Animation aestetic”, “Dramaturgy of animated film”, “Hybrid animation forms“ and “Animation techniques”.
Radostina is the director of the awards wined animated shorts (“The boy who erased kisses” 2023 – 2024 in production; „Marmalade” - 2020, “Ugly Fairy Tale” - 2018, “Grumpy does repairs” - 2015, “Trip” – 2011) and illustrator of children’s books. She has solo exhibitions "Children's illustration" in Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, Russia and Bosnia and Hercegovina.
She makes Animation workshops in Bulgaria, France, Cuba, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Russia, Portugal, Italy, Brazil, Macedonia and Germany.
Radostina Neykova is a member of the Union of Bulgarian Film Makers, Animation Guild; ASIFA and ASIFA Animation Workshop Group, Union of Bulgarian Journalists - Film Section; Association of Bulgarian professors and associate professors in cinema “Akademika 21” and Member of the board of directors of Bulgarian Association of Film, Television and Radio scriptwriters – BAFTA.
1. Neykova, Radostina. Aesthetics, technology and communication in cinema for adolescent audiences. Sofia: Petko Vnedikov Publishing house, 2022, ISBN 978-619-7469-30-1 (Нейкова, Радостина. „Естетика, технология и комуникация в киното за юношеска аудитория“,Проф. П. Венедиков, С., 2022)
2. Neykova, Radostina. Contemporary Cinema for Children. Sofia: Petko Vnedikov Publishing house, 2016, ISBN 978-954-9870-90-9 (Нейкова, Радостина. Съвременно детско кино, изд. Проф. Петко Венедиков, 2016 ISBN 978-954-9870-90-9)
3. Neykova, Radostina. Comic books on the Contemporary Screen. Sofia: Prosveta, 2009, ISBN 978-954-01-2295-3 (Нейкова, Радостина. Комиксът на съвременния екран. Просвета, С., 2009. ISBN 978-954-01-2295-3)