Personal information
Evdokia K.Mangou is a surveyor engineer, PhD ( 2015), employed by the Region oF Central Macedonia , at the Directorate of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Support at Region Of Central Macedonia (RCM) / Innovation Department .
Ph.D. “Application of geographic information systems in the area of local government, with emphasis on the accessibility of the disabled people” /
Needs detection with questionnaires , producing Smart Maps with full contex for accessible routes in Thessaloniki for Universal Tourism , local recreation, and eliminating structural barriers , highlighting the accessible routes and Points of interest (cultural/nature/recreational). Application of the OneShopPoint for Information for disabled citizens (applies to mobility disabilities). /
Researcher / Private funds, AUTH University Greece
She has served Local Administration Authorities in different positions as: Directorate of Technical Services for Public Projects at the Region Of Central Macedonia / Directorate of Civil Protection of Region Of Central Macedonia / GREECE.
For more than 5 years she is working as a project manager in projects co-financed by EU
She has experience in National and International Collaboration and Networking since 2017.
Her vision is, through projects and collaborations, to make as much as possible a big positive impact on local and regional development and see her country flourish and get stronger.
She believes that the adaptation of Circular Economy/resilient cities principals/urban farming/ smart specialization, will have a great positive value to our economy and everyday life aspects .
Through projects and collaborations, she aims to make as much as possible a big positive impact on local and regional development and see her country flourish and get stronger.
Current Position Job title/name of employer/country
2017-2022 Project manager / Directorate of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Support at Region Of Central Macedonia (RCM) / GREECE
Previous positions held (list) Job title/name of employer/country
2000-2006 Surveyor engineer / Department of Technical Services for Public Projects
at Municipality of Oreokastro ,Thessaloniki / GREECE
2006-2017 Surveyor engineer /Directorate of Technical Services for Public Projects
at Region Of Central Macedonia / GREECE
2012-2017 Surveyor engineer / Directorate of Civil Protection of Region Of Central
Macedonia / GREECE
2015-2016 Head of the Department of Civil Protection for sub-region of
Thessaloniki / GREECE
PROJECT MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE (Project/topic/role in project/funding from)
«Upgrading of Structures and Equipment for the Civil Protection of the Region of Central Macedonia», MIS 5043339, budget: 3.530.767,54 /
The Act aims at upgrading the Civil Protection infrastructure of the Region of Central Macedonia by providing the necessary equipment for both RCM Services and civil protection voluntary Groups and it is appropriate to take initiatives aimed at strengthening the prevention and natural disaster response capabilities in high risk areas. A very important role in this effort played by the Voluntary Policy Organizations recognized by the General Secretariat for Civil Protection. 7 sub-projects for the equipment of the Services: Directorate of Civil Protection RCM and the volunteer groups. / Project manager / European Regional Development Fund.
«Observatory for Sustainable Urban Development of the Urban Area of Thessaloniki » , MIS 5030496, budget: 779.215,04 / The project concerns the creation of a complex consulting tool (Observatory) with a spatial reference framework Metropolitan Unit of Thessaloniki. The Observatory will be able to provide complex information that will provided to the appropriate policy-making body. 2 sub-projects / Project manager / European Regional Development Fund