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Works (3)

Railway operational hazard prediction and control based on knowledge graph embedding and topological analysis

Reliability Engineering & System Safety
2025-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Jintao Liu; Lin Ji; Keyi Chen; Chenling Li; Huayu Duan
Source: check_circle

A knowledge graph-based hazard prediction approach for preventing railway operational accidents

Reliability Engineering & System Safety
2024-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Jintao Liu; Keyi Chen; Huayu Duan; Chenling Li
Source: check_circle

A Knowledge Graph-Based Approach for Predicting Railway Operational Hazards

2023 China Automation Congress (CAC)
2023-11-17 | Conference paper
Contributors: Keyi Chen; Jintao Liu
Source: Self-asserted source
Keyi Chen