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Dr. Syafrul Nalus, M.A., is a lecturer at STAI Pengembangan Ilmu Al-Qur'an (STAIPIQ) in Kota Padang, Sumatera Barat. He is actively involved in the academic development of Islamic Education, focusing on areas such as philosophy, Islamic studies, and evaluation. He has contributed significantly to the institution, including leading efforts to open a new master's program in Islamic Religious Education at STAIPIQ.
Dr. Syafrul has also published educational resources, including a book on the significance of Islamic worship for TPQ (Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur'an) students, and another on the intersection of Al-Qur'an education and Minangkabau culture. In addition to his academic role, he occasionally serves as an imam and khatib during important religious events, like the Eid prayers in Padang