Personal information
My PhD research is focused on determining the structure and kinetics of a ribonucleoprotein enzyme, ribonuclease P from pathogenic bacteria. I am experienced at protein purification, RNA in vitro transcription and enzyme kinetic assays. We label our substrate with 32P or fluorescence to monitor the reaction process and catalysis mechanisms with gel-based or plate reader techniques. We use circular dichroism to moniter RNA and protein folding status and collabrate with a cryoEM lab to determine the structure of enzyme and enzyme-substrate complexes.
With former experience related to DNA aptamers recognizing cancer cells, I am familiar with culturing human cancer cells (HeLa, Ramos, etc.), using flow cytometry, and excuting DNA in vitro assays. I was studying on how to build DNA nanostructures on exosomes from cancer cells, and I am able to use NTA to characterize sub-cell size particles.
I had two years of experience of material sciences. I worked on the preparation and characterization of nanostructured materials and tested their microwave absorption activities. I am familiar with SEM, TEM, XRD and other basic techniques of material characterization.