Personal information
Sylvie Tissot is a computer engineer, graduated from Telecom SudParis.
Before creating her company Anabole in 1993, she was a researcher at the Alstom Research Center then she worked for ARTGROUP, a company specializing in special effects and android shows.
She provides services for SMEs, large groups and cultural institutions: Louvre Abu Dhabi, Chaillot Theater, Natural History Museum, Orange, EDF Lab, etc.
She works in collaboration with the teams of Tralalere, publisher of digital content for children, and Drôle de Trame, a company dedicated to audio-visual production.
She regularly intervenes in the form of workshops in art and design schools, in particular at the National School of Industrial Creation (ENSCI-les-Ateliers) and at the Camondo School.
She also accompanies the work of various artists and is a member of the “Datadada” collective.
Finally, she devotes part of her time to conducting research projects on the principles of programming, in partnership with research laboratories (LRI, LIMSI, IRIF, ENSADLab).
The achievements and know-how of Anabole are described in detail on
Her “digital autobiography” on France Culture is accessible on:
Her current research project on the popularization of quantum computing can be seen at:, as well as on