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Works (3)

Threading Space: Kinetic Sculpture Exploring Spatial Interaction Using Threads In Motion

2024-06-23 | Conference paper
Contributors: Ramarko Bhattacharya; You Li; Emilie Faracci; Harrison Dong; Yi Zheng; Ken Nakagaki
Source: check_circle

[e]Motion: Designing Expressive Movement in Robots and Actuated Tangible User Interfaces

2024-02-11 | Conference paper
Contributors: Vali Lalioti; Ken Nakagaki; Ramarko Bhattacharya; Yasuaki Kakehi
Source: check_circle

FabRobotics: Fusing 3D Printing with Mobile Robots to Advance Fabrication, Robotics, and Interaction

2024-02-11 | Conference paper
Contributors: Ramarko Bhattacharya; Jonathan Lindstrom; Ahmad Taka; Martin Nisser; Stefanie Mueller; Ken Nakagaki
Source: check_circle